
Showing posts from April, 2015

RoomnHouse - Creating Micro Entrepreneurs

2014 A year when folks were busy calculating their monthly expenditures, reading about inflation, high taxes and low consumption, a silent revolution was on in the streets of Goa. October to June is the season when the fisherman can row their boats into the deep Arabian Sea for their daily bread. But what about July to September? Shyam Nagwenkar, father to two children, husband to an accommodating wife, and owner of a property in Calangute, Goa, lived a life which was only slightly more cushioned than a hand to mouth existence. While pennies weren't exactly being pinched, the want for a greater level of comfort, which only money can buy, was not unjustified. In a decision that would change their lives, Shyam who was on the verge of putting the property on sale, stumbled upon a definite plot point in (t)his story. Enter Roomnhouse, Shyam met with Rakesh Singh, founder of  Roomnhouse , in a manner so casual only a Goan could pull off. Rakesh convinced him to rent out extra